base surge

base surge

A cloud which rolls out from the bottom of the column produced by a subsurface burst of a nuclear weapon. For underwater bursts the surge is, in effect, a cloud of liquid droplets which has the property of flowing almost as if it were a homogeneous fluid. For subsurface land bursts the surge is made up of small solid particles but still behaves like a fluid.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Contributing to the stolen base surge was the reality that there were fewer pure power hitters than in the decades immediately prior.
Shares of Emr have gained 14 per cent this year, after more than doubling in 2013, as real-estate prices in its Dubai base surge. Mid-range apartment prices in Dubai climbed 43 per cent last year, according to Cluttons LLC data on Bloomberg.
Delving into "explosion literature," Barlow said she and her collaborators learned more about a phenomenon known as base surge. After a large explosion, fine-grain material forms a cloud and moves out along the surface.
About 46% of net adds were signed by small operators: the market share of aothers' increased from 23% in 4Q10 to 25% in 1Q11.VimpelCom's subscriber base surge in March (+10.4% QoQ and +3.7% MoM) to 1.5mn was achieved via the acquisition of St Petersburg-based internet service provider (ISP) Eltel.
Even supposing that the missile's point of entry were miraculously neat, a nuclear blast at the depths a real missile could attain would invariably breach the surface of the earth, expelling a hot fallout cloud in what is known as a "base surge." Base surges are more dangerous than traditional fallout clouds because they are more toxic, containing irradiated particles of dirt and rock.

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