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Related to bars: Restaurants

bar 1

1. A relatively long, straight, rigid piece of solid material used as a fastener, support, barrier, or structural or mechanical member.
a. A solid oblong block of a substance or combination of ingredients, such as soap or candy.
b. A usually rectangular slice of any of various flat baked confections that are typically dense in texture.
c. A rectangular block of a precious metal.
3. Sports
b. A horizontal rod that marks the height to be cleared in high jumping or pole vaulting.
4. A standard, expectation, or degree of requirement: a leader whose example set a high bar for others.
5. Something that impedes or prevents action or progress: A poor education was a bar to his ambitions.
6. A ridge, as of sand or gravel, on a shore or streambed, that is formed by the action of tides or currents.
7. A narrow marking, as a stripe or band.
a. A narrow metal or embroidered strip worn on a military uniform indicating rank or service.
b. Chiefly British A small insignia worn on a military decoration indicating that it has been awarded an additional time.
9. Heraldry A pair of horizontal parallel lines drawn across a shield.
10. Law
a. The nullification, defeat, or prevention of a claim or action.
b. The process by which nullification, defeat, or prevention is achieved.
11. The railing in a courtroom separating the participants in a legal proceeding from the spectators.
12. A court or courtroom.
13. Law
a. Attorneys considered as a group. Used with the.
b. The profession of law. Used with the.
14. Music
a. A vertical line drawn through a staff to mark off a measure.
b. A measure.
15. Variant of barre.
a. A counter at which drinks, especially alcoholic drinks, and sometimes food, are served.
b. An establishment or room having such a counter.
tr.v. barred, bar·ring, bars
1. To fasten securely with a long, straight, rigid piece of material: barred the gate.
2. To shut in or confine: barred themselves in the basement.
3. To obstruct or impede; block: barred the access route.
4. To keep out; exclude: Tourists are barred from this room.
a. To prohibit or prevent (someone) from doing something: Failing the eye exam barred him from driving.
b. To prohibit (an action): The state bars the dumping of waste in the river.
c. Law To nullify, defeat, or prevent (a claim or action).
6. To rule out; except: Can we bar the possibility of foul play?
7. To mark with stripes or bands.
Chiefly British Except for; excluding: This was your best performance, bar none.
behind bars
In prison.

[Middle English barre, from Old French; see barre.]

bar 2

A unit of pressure equal to one million (106) dynes per square centimeter.

[Greek baros, weight; see gwerə- in Indo-European roots.]


Browning automatic rifle
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.bars - gymnastic apparatus consisting of two parallel wooden rods supported on uprightsbars - gymnastic apparatus consisting of two parallel wooden rods supported on uprights
bar - a horizontal rod that serves as a support for gymnasts as they perform exercises
exerciser, gymnastic apparatus - sports equipment used in gymnastic exercises
uneven bars, uneven parallel bars - a pair of parallel bars set at different heights; used in women's gymnastics
plural, plural form - the form of a word that is used to denote more than one
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
The Airedale was with him, while outside stood several men armed with iron bars and long steel forks.
After bursting open a door of idiotic obstinacy with a weak rattle in its throat, you fell into Tellson's down two steps, and came to your senses in a miserable little shop, with two little counters, where the oldest of men made your cheque shake as if the wind rustled it, while they examined the signature by the dingiest of windows, which were always under a shower-bath of mud from Fleet-street, and which were made the dingier by their own iron bars proper, and the heavy shadow of Temple Bar.
...met with iron bars...were those they?...Or these?...
- Gloomy Apprehensions- Bars and Breakers.- Perils of the Ship.
With pigeons, however, we have another case, namely, the occasional appearance in all the breeds, of slaty-blue birds with two black bars on the wings, a white rump, a bar at the end of the tail, with the outer feathers externally edged near their bases with white.
The dungeon had only one little window, high up in the wall, with bars in it; and the door was strong and thick.
One night Captain Nichols and Strickland were sitting in one of the bars of the Rue Bouterie.
The Yellow Room has but one barred window--the bars of which have not been moved--and only one door, which had to be broken open--and the assassin was not found!"
The jeddak, Bar Comas, who was comparatively young, was the object of the fierce and jealous hatred of his old lieutenant, Dak Kova, the jed who had captured me, and I could not but note the almost studied efforts which the latter made to affront his superior.
A shining bar of counterfeit massiveness extended down the side of the room.
There was a dinner giving in the Harley Street establishment, while Little Dorrit was stitching at her father's new shirts by his side that night; and there were magnates from the Court and magnates from the City, magnates from the Commons and magnates from the Lords, magnates from the bench and magnates from the bar, Bishop magnates, Treasury magnates, Horse Guard magnates, Admiralty magnates,--all the magnates that keep us going, and sometimes trip us up.
The raw afternoon is rawest, and the dense fog is densest, and the muddy streets are muddiest near that leaden-headed old obstruction, appropriate ornament for the threshold of a leaden-headed old corporation, Temple Bar. And hard by Temple Bar, in Lincoln's Inn Hall, at the very heart of the fog, sits the Lord High Chancellor in his High Court of Chancery.