back porch

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Noun1.back porch - a porch for the back doorback porch - a porch for the back door    
porch - a structure attached to the exterior of a building often forming a covered entrance
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References in classic literature ?
As he came up the stairs in the dark, he heard scuffling on the back porch, and then the sound of a vigorous slap.
As they approached the house, Prince Andrew with asmile drew Pierre's attention to a commotion going on at the back porch. A woman, bent with age, with a wallet on her back, and a short, long-haired, young man in a black garment had rushed back to the gate on seeing the carriage driving up.
"Peter Stebbins told me that they should be along tonight, with friends," said Simeon, significantly, as he was washing his hands at a neat sink, in a little back porch.
Ruth laid down her knitting-work, and was in the back porch in a moment.
The shopping expedition consumed the entire afternoon; then came supper and a delightful talk with Old Tom in the garden, and another with Nancy on the back porch, after the dishes were done, and while Aunt Polly paid a visit to a neighbor.
Dora kissed Anne primly and squeezed out two decorous little tears; but Davy, who had been crying on the back porch step ever since they rose from the table, refused to say good-bye at all.
Cobb had put up his horses that night he carried a kitchen chair to the side of his wife, who was sitting on the back porch.
"All right; we'll bring her!" answered Archie, issuing some mysterious order, which was so promptly obeyed that, before Rose could get out of the carriage, the boys had caught hold of the pole and rattled her out of the barn, round the oval and up to the front door with a cheer that brought two caps to an upper window, and caused Debby to cry aloud from the back porch
The woman leaning on the rail of her back porch, had caught her eye, and nodded, as it seemed to Saxon, half to her and half to the underlinen on the line.
He and Esmeralda are exchanging religious experiences on the back porch now."
After what seemed interminable ages, she heard heavy steps on the back porch and knew that her husband had returned at last.
The problem was that a Ford Explorer had somehow careered backward down a steep elevation, through a wooded area, and over a large rock outcropping to end up resting on its tailgate on the back porch of 60 Wigwam Hill Drive about 9 p.m.