
Also found in: Acronyms.
Related to autonomics: autonomic nervous system


(Electronics) (functioning as singular) electronics the study of self-regulating systems for process control
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The Autonomics - fronted by Dan Pantenberg and driven by twin brothers Evan and Vaughn Leikam - offers up an upbeat live show with "carefully crafted hooks and motivating rhythms ...
DRYiCETM TAO is an Autonomics and Orchestration assessment and strategy consulting service, helping organizations chart out a detailed and descriptive pathway to an A.I-powered future.
More specifically, paper topics included methods for incorporating models of human trust to improve human-automation system performance; verifying the behavior of human-automation systems; designing autonomous systems to guarantee certain safety or performance specifications or to classify and handle errors at run time; designing autonomics frameworks that incorporate machine learning for self-adaptation, formal methods for verification, and improved interfaces and methods of interaction for human users; and building flexible and extensible frameworks to study situated autonomy.
Chip Wagner of Alsbridge, a solution provider at the marcus evans Chief Information Officer Summit 2015 and the Chief Procurement Officer Summit Fall 2015, discusses how organizations can prepare for a future being reshaped by autonomics.
IPcenter is IPsoft's ITIL-aligned service management platform that leverages the power of autonomics to increase efficiency and quality.
The ASA course educates and trains Soldiers on the human sensory system (five senses and the brain), the six domains of human behavior (heuristics, autonomics, kinesics, proxemics, geographies, atmospherics), principles of ground sign awareness (human pace, sign recognition), enhanced observation (why we see things, why we don't see things, signatures, and cues), how to establish a baseline (an initial set of critical observations to confirm the norm of an area), critical thinking (problem solving, anomaly detection), decision making (legal/moral/ethical, OODA [observe-orient-decide-act] loop, ASA algorithm), how to think like the enemy, and how to employ this knowledge and experience in order to be "left-of-bang."