approach path

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Related to approach path: Precision Approach Path Indicator
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.approach path - the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landingapproach path - the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing
air lane, skyway, airway, flight path - a designated route followed by airplanes in flying from one airport to another
approach pattern, traffic pattern, pattern - the path that is prescribed for an airplane that is preparing to land at an airport; "the traffic patterns around O'Hare are very crowded"; "they stayed in the pattern until the fog lifted"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Summary: New Delhi [India], Aug 10 (ANI): India is yet to receive a response from Pakistan over its proposal to hold technical level meetings in the first week of August to finalise the alignment of the interim approach path for the Kartarpur Corridor and hoped that Islamabad would respond expeditiously to the proposals, sources said on Saturday.
The airport's precision approach path indicator was also installed and obstructions along the runway have been cleared.
The most important development was the installation of a precision approach path indicator, a visual navigational tool to help pilots acquire and maintain approach to an airport for safe landing, said Raul Lambino, administrator of the Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (Ceza), during a meeting of the Cagayan Valley regional development council (RDC) in Sta.
The graphic above, extracted from an FAA presentation discussing intrusion of an obstacle into the approach path for the RNAV (GPS) Runway 36 procedure at the Birmingham-Shut-tlesworth International Airport (KBHM), graphically shows what can happen when a Mc-Mansion penetrates the obstacle-protection space below the published VDA.
New York (AirGuide Features - Inside Air Travel) Wed, Mar 26, 2014 - Eight flight safety incidents have occurred near Ben-Gurion International Airport over the last two months, all caused by the same problem: passenger planes deviating from their approved altitude and approach path to the airport.
Regarding transport, no new runway needed, Teesside Airport can take the world's largest aircraft, its approach path avoids urban conurbation, there are rail and sea links within minutes.
These unique Special Performance-Based Navigation procedures are designed to utilize a constant vertical descent in conjunction with a precise curved flight path to the runways, resulting in a stabilized approach path; shorter flight times for customers; reduced noise levels and greenhouse-gas emissions and, increased fuel savings by as much as 120 pounds, or 18 gallons, per flight.
Further to having successfully deployed a digital recorder system and communication system for Al Bateen Executive Airport and a Precision Approach Path Indicator for Sir Bani Yas Airport, Bayanat Airports Engineering & Supplies (BAES), the leading airport systems integration provider, announced that they have recently been awarded the project to design, supply and install a Navigation Aid system (Instrument Landing System) for Al Bateen Executive Airport by the Supervision Committee for the Expansion of the Abu Dhabi International Airport (SCADIA).
A number of trees have been felled or pruned in recent weeks and earlier in the year, due to their height and proximity to the airport as they lie underneath the aircraft approach path, though those around Pear Tree Cottage were largely unaffected.
As far as traffic separation is concerned, ATC is not supposed to clear anyone else into the airspace within the normal circling radii, approach path, or published missed-approach path until the aircraft on approach is determined to have left the airspace, either by landing or going missed.