
(redirected from application whitelist)
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 (wīt′lĭst′, hwīt′-)
A list of people or organizations that have been approved to receive special considerations or privileges.
tr.v. white·list·ed, white·list·ing, white·lists
To place on a whitelist.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Past participle: whitelisted
Gerund: whitelisting

I whitelist
you whitelist
he/she/it whitelists
we whitelist
you whitelist
they whitelist
I whitelisted
you whitelisted
he/she/it whitelisted
we whitelisted
you whitelisted
they whitelisted
Present Continuous
I am whitelisting
you are whitelisting
he/she/it is whitelisting
we are whitelisting
you are whitelisting
they are whitelisting
Present Perfect
I have whitelisted
you have whitelisted
he/she/it has whitelisted
we have whitelisted
you have whitelisted
they have whitelisted
Past Continuous
I was whitelisting
you were whitelisting
he/she/it was whitelisting
we were whitelisting
you were whitelisting
they were whitelisting
Past Perfect
I had whitelisted
you had whitelisted
he/she/it had whitelisted
we had whitelisted
you had whitelisted
they had whitelisted
I will whitelist
you will whitelist
he/she/it will whitelist
we will whitelist
you will whitelist
they will whitelist
Future Perfect
I will have whitelisted
you will have whitelisted
he/she/it will have whitelisted
we will have whitelisted
you will have whitelisted
they will have whitelisted
Future Continuous
I will be whitelisting
you will be whitelisting
he/she/it will be whitelisting
we will be whitelisting
you will be whitelisting
they will be whitelisting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been whitelisting
you have been whitelisting
he/she/it has been whitelisting
we have been whitelisting
you have been whitelisting
they have been whitelisting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been whitelisting
you will have been whitelisting
he/she/it will have been whitelisting
we will have been whitelisting
you will have been whitelisting
they will have been whitelisting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been whitelisting
you had been whitelisting
he/she/it had been whitelisting
we had been whitelisting
you had been whitelisting
they had been whitelisting
I would whitelist
you would whitelist
he/she/it would whitelist
we would whitelist
you would whitelist
they would whitelist
Past Conditional
I would have whitelisted
you would have whitelisted
he/she/it would have whitelisted
we would have whitelisted
you would have whitelisted
they would have whitelisted
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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The solution should have the following features: Antivirus, Application whitelist and Device Control.
PC Matic's security solution is focused on malware prevention and detection, with the use of application whitelist technology.
Rather than blacklisting known malicious software, an application whitelist prevents the launching of any executable program (known or unknown) that does not have explicit authorization.

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