

(of a group) opposed to development
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The dynasty system is antidevelopment, as has been validated by scholars, including former National Economic and Development Authority officials and UNDP and AIM academics.
Antidevelopment and NIMBY, "Not in My Back Yard," zoning regulations have become like a modern guild system, locking in privileged social capital and restricting economic mobility to the detriment of society at large (Lindsey and Teles 2017).
These ideas were expressed through the basic themes "opposed to people" and "lack of an alternative to land acquisition," which were combined to form the organizing theme "antidevelopment." The global theme "discredited," based on the sociological concept of the "strategy of discreditation" (Nielsen, 2009), combined the interrelated ideas of the organizing themes "omission," "depoliticized," and "antidevelopment." The Left Front "discredited" the movement by emphasizing that it was engineered by the CPIM's political enemies to disrupt development in the state.
Nicholas added: "We are not antidevelopment. We never owned the land.
"His capture will diminish the Pulang Bagani Command's capabilities that will end antidevelopment activities of the NPA," he added.
Yes, she was, as Finley and Venturini note, an antidevelopment activist in the Burlington (Vermont) Greens.
What I propose is that cultural problems are not always existing realities; what we consider to be local culture or indigeneity (as a space unmediated by global or national forces and ideas) becomes local and indigenous within a global or national discourse either as resistance to development projects or in conjunction with antidevelopment activism.
Thus, I am well aware that Indigenous communities are not antidevelopment and embrace mining projects or instigate them themselves.
Several alleged objectives to achieve this goal emerged from the data and include: (1) adoption and promotion of antidevelopment policies, (2) advancement of antilife policies, (3) promotion of greater governmental control at the expense of individual freedom, (4) indoctrination of children through propaganda and scare tactics, and (5) infiltration of the Christian community to spread the twisted worldview.
At times, though, it seems that some Orthodox Christians have equated their own antidevelopment and antifree-market presuppositions with the Church's tradition on the moral limits of property.
THE CONGRESS on Sunday attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for labelling it as antidevelopment due to opposition to the land acquisition ordinance while noting that the party will stand in the way any anti- farmer move the NDA.
While the book is not antidevelopment, it does suggest, "Africa and Africans do not need externally prescribed solutions and discourses or imposed models to address their own problems of poverty, food insecurity, and conflict" (p.