altar server

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altar server

Christianity An attendant to an officiating cleric in the performance of a liturgical service; an acolyte.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
He made his Confirmation last year and was an altar server.
School Committee student representative, Grade 12; Student Government Day, student lieutenant governor, Grade 12; WPI Math Meet, Grade 12; altar server and catechist at St.
For all the changes of the past 40 years, that's still every altar server's favorite part of the job.
Patrick's Church in Somerset where he was an Altar Server for 15 years and a past President of the St.
A born comedian, he took one look and proclaimed, "The Wall of Death!" Thereupon he told a story about when, as a 10-year-old, he had been an altar server at the Masses my Uncle Tom celebrated regularly at the local mental hospital.
The 18-year-old altar server, in full white clerical robe, stepped in when the vicar was delayed.
In his youth he served as an altar server at Blessed Sacrament Church and was a devout Catholic.
Secondly, Doyle says, "After I discovered the Hosts came wholesale from a convent in New Jersey, the consecrated Host never tasted quite as savory again." It seems as if the value of being an altar server described in "Altar Call"--teaching the faith, inspiring vocations, encouraging family unity--for the author, in "Memoirs," boils down to being the apprentice to a cigar-smoking "wizard" who can pull off the miracle of the Mass in 22 minutes.
John's Elementary School and Clinton High School, As an altar server, he became attracted to the liturgy of the church and began considering a vocation to the priesthood.
"All you have to do is raise your voice." She already is, participating in the young adult choir, and in the past, as lector and altar server. "The parish feels like home," Amoa says.
John's Elementary School and Clinton High School As an altar server, he became attracted to the liturgy of the Church and began considering a vocation to the Priesthood.
Let us get into the habit of using the term "altar server." BERNICE McNEELA Wheeling, Ill.