agency shop

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Related to agency shop: Modified Union Shop

agency shop

An establishment in which a union represents all employees regardless of union membership and requires that nonmembers pay union dues or fees.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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For much of the past century, many states allowed "agency shop" agreements, in which public employees could be compelled to pay dues to the union that represented them, even if they chose not to join.
507, 550 (1991) (Scalia, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part) (arguing that "[a] union may constitutionally compel contributions from dissenting nonmembers in any agency shop ...
the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) overturns a 41-year standing rule which favored an "agency shop" type environment.
"I know the union is targeting several of my members who are very progressive people and I think this is coming about as a misunderstanding, but I really don't know because I've never talked to the man." Miller said he has supported union concerns, including collective bargaining and agency shop and educational issues.
Employers are free to hire anyone, and employees are free to join or not join a union under agency shop agreements.
DeMille launched an effort to establish the so-called "right to work," which would ban the closed shop (an arrangement restricting employment to union members), the union shop (requiring nonunion employees hired to join the union within a certain time period), and the agency shop (in which employees must pay union dues).
Backed by the Creative Arts Agency shop and media agency Huge, the film's subtext is meant to "tell the history of [Canada Goose's] jacket to people who don't know it," said Spreekmeester.
One provision is the "agency shop," which requires nonunion workers to pay fees to the union.
However, the chance to work in a travel agency shop took her globe-trotting career in a different direction - without the need for square-bashing and saluting.
In the US, such systems are referred to as the "agency shop," while in Canada it is associated with the name of the judge who ruled in the original arbitration case that first applied it to workers at Ford in Windsor, Ontario, after a famous 99-day strike for union security in 1945--the Rand Formula.
Now she's just days away from opening CorinaCorina, her own dress agency shop selling and hiring designer and vintage clothing and accessories and supporting local charities with a portion of profits.
forms of union security, including the agency shop. (13) The agency shop
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