

the ability to be influenced or affected by something
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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However, across the board utilization of these refined epithelial autografts (CEAs) has been hampered by the long in vitro extension period, affectability to contamination, mechanical delicacy of the sheets, and work escalated procedure of skin grafts processes, related with the prerequisite of the significant research center ability.
The paradigm seeks to deepen "ethico-juridical responsiveness to the complexity, affectability and vulnerability of the living order and of the multiple beings co-constituted by and within it" (12) by engaging the physical vulnerability common to all human beings as the foundational theoretical premise for law and order.
In this way extraordinarily diminishing the false negative and positive affirm ages and upgrading the recognizable proof of genuine positives and true negative cases (affectability and specificity).
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzymes have two isoforms such as MAO-A and MAO-B, which share around 70% amino acids arrangement homology, and however vary in their cell localization, substrate preference, and inhibitor affectability [5, 6].
We as physiotherapists have the learning, aptitudes, affectability, mindfulness and constancy to advance coordinated effort, however it is not generally simple.
The cloud encryption abilities of the specialist organization need to coordinate the level of affectability of the information being facilitated.
Alert passivity is no different than what Deleuze calls passive power, or affectability. Zazen (i.e., sitting Zen, or seated meditation) culminates in the exact same "state of being," in which the mind is not perturbed or prematurely closed off by preconceptions or attachments, but works like a mirror, taking everything in but keeping nothing.
Many studies have shown that individual tooth wear type are not isolated and are usually present in combination.1,5,6 Tooth wear regularly brings distress and affectability particularly during eating, drinking or tooth brushing.
Because readers recognize the world's universality within literary presentations of the local, we should substitute characteristics such as affectability and responsivity, which remain irreducible for local or universal communities of readers, for the deciphering of and responses to a specific texts.
This might be because of certain ethnic gathering's affectability to a Western way of life.
In this way, it is basic to have a controller with low affectability to clamor and natural conditions [3].
The problem with such region based strategies is that they do not indicate high affectability and specificity in classification of MCI and AD [23].