pag- / Indo-European roots


To fasten.

Oldest forms *pag̑-, *pak̑-, becoming *pag-, *pak- in centum languages.

Derivatives include fang, peace, pact, palisade, travel.

1. Lengthened-grade form *pāk-. fay1 from Old English fēgan, to fit closely, from Germanic *fōgjan, to join, fit.
2. Nasalized form *pa-n-g-, also *pa-n-k-.
a. (i) fang from Old English fang, feng, plunder, booty, from Germanic *fangam, *fangiz; (ii) vang from Dutch vangen, to catch, from remade Germanic verb *fangan; (iii) newfangled from Middle English *-fangel, taken, akin to Old High German -fangolon, to close, from Germanic *fanglōn, to grasp. (i)-(iii) all derivatives of Germanic *fanhan, to seize;
b. compact1, impact, impinge, spinto from Latin pangere, to fasten.
3. Root form *pā̆k-.
a. pace2, pax, pay1, peace; appease, pacific, pacify from Latin pāx, peace (< "a binding together by treaty or agreement");
b. pact, patio from Latin pacīscī, to agree.
4. Suffixed form *pak-slo-.
a. pale1, palisade, pawl, peel3, pole2; impale, travail, travel from Latin pālus, stake (fixed in the ground);
b. probably Latin pāla, spade palette, peel2.
5. Lengthened-grade form *pāg-.
a. pagan, peasant from Latin pāgus, "boundary staked out on the ground" district, village, country;
b. page1, pageant from Latin pāgina, "trellis to which a row of vines is fixed" hence (by metaphor) column of writing, page;
c. propagate from Latin prōpāgāre, to propagate (< "to fix before"; prō-, before, in front; see per1);
d. pectin, pegmatite; Areopagus, mastopexy from Greek pēgnunai, to fasten, coagulate, with derivative pagos (< *pag-o-), mass, hill.

[Pokorny pā̆k̑- 787.]

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