ne / Indo-European roots



Derivatives include naughty, never, nothing, annul, nice, annihilate, negligee, deny, renegade.

a. naught, naughty, neither, never, nill, no1, no2, none, nor1, not, nothing; hobnob from Old English ne, not, and , no;
b. nay from Old Norse ne, not;
c. nix2 from Old High German ne, ni, not. a-c all from Germanic *ne-, *na-.
2. annul, nefarious, nescience, neuter, nice, null, nullify, nullipara from Latin ne-, not, and nūllus, none (ne-, + ūllus, any; see oi-no-)
3. nimiety from Latin nimis, too much, excessively, very (< *ne-mi-s, "not little"; *mi-, little; see mei-2)
4. nihilism, nihility, nil; annihilate from Latin nihil, nīl, nothing, contracted from nihilum, nothing (< *ne-hīlum, "not a whit, nothing at all"; hīlum, a thing, trifle; origin unknown).
5. non-; nonplus, nonsuit from Latin nōn, not (< *ne-oinom, not one thing"; *oino-, one; see oi-no-)
6. nisi from Latin nisi, unless (, not, from *nei + , if; see swo-)
a. neglect, negligee, negotiate from Latin prefix neg-, not;
b. negate; abnegate, deny, renegade, renege from Latin negāre, to deny. Both a and b from Italic *nek, not.
8. nepenthe from Greek nē-, not.
9. Zero-grade combining form *n̥-.
a. (i) un-1 from Old English un-, not; (ii) Zugunruhe from Old High German un-, not. Both (i) and (ii) from Germanic *un-;
b. in-1 from Latin in-, not;
c. a-1, an- from Greek a-, an-, not;
d. ahimsa from Sanskrit a-, an-, not;
e. compound *n̥-mr̥-to- (see mer-).

[Pokorny 1. 756.]

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