gʷā- / Indo-European roots


To go, come.

Oldest form *gweh2-, colored to *gwah2-, becoming *gwā-.

Derivatives include welcome, adventure, souvenir, acrobat, diabetes.

a. come from Old English cuman, to come;
b. welcome from Old English wilcuma, a welcome guest, and wilcume, the greeting of welcome, from Germanic compound *wil-kumōn-, a desirable guest (*wil-, desirable; see wel-1) , from *kumōn-, he who comes, a guest;
c. become from Old English becuman, to become, from Germanic compound *bi-kuman, to arrive, come to be (*bi-, intensive prefix; see ambhi). a-c all from Germanic *kuman.
2. Suffixed form *gw(e)m-yo-. venire, venue; advent, adventitious, adventure, avenue, circumvent, contravene, convene, convenient, convent, conventicle, convention, coven, covenant, event, eventual, intervene, invent, inventory, misadventure, parvenu, prevenient, prevent, provenance, provenience, revenant, revenue, souvenir, subvention, supervene from Latin venīre, to come.
3. Suffixed zero-grade form *gwm̥-yo-. base1, basis; abasia, acrobat, adiabatic, amphisbaena, anabaena, anabasis, batophobia, diabase, diabetes, hyperbaton, katabatic, stereobate, stylobate from Greek bainein, to go, walk, step, with basis (< *gwə-ti-, suffixed zero-grade form of *gwā-), a stepping, tread, base, -batos (< *gwə-to-), going, and -batēs (< *gwə-tā-), agential suffix, "one that goes or treads, one that is based"
4. Suffixed lengthened-grade form gwēm-yo-. quim perhaps from Old English gecwēme, pleasant, fitting ("becoming"), from Germanic *-kwǣmja-. (*ge-, intensive prefix; see kom)
5. Suffixed zero-grade form *gw(ə)-u- in compound *pres-gwu- (see per1)
6. Basic form *gwā-. bema from Greek bēma, step, seat, raised platform.
7. Basic form *gwā- or zero-grade form *gwm̥- in Sanskrit compound durga-, difficult to approach (*dus-, *dur-, difficult; see dus-) Durga from Sanskrit Durgā, Durga (short for durgā devī, goddess who is difficult to approach), from durgā, feminine of durga-.
8. Reduplicated form *gwe-gwā-. juggernaut from Sanskrit jagat, moving, the world, originally present participle of *jagāti (remade as jigāti), he goes.

[Pokorny g̒ͧā- 463.]

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