ʕṯtr / Semitic roots

Examples of words with the root ʕṯtr: Aphrodite, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Ishtar.


Common Semitic masculine noun *ʕaṯtar-, feminine *ʕaṯtart-, gods representing the morning and evening stars.

1. Ashtoreth, from Hebrew ʕaštōret, taboo-deformation (with the vowels of bōšet, shame, shameful thing) of earlier *ʕašteret.
a. Astarte, from Greek Astartē, from Phoenician *ʕaštart;;
b. Aphrodite, from Greek Aphrodītē, probably ultimately from Phoenician *ʕaštart, Astarte (influenced by Greek aphros, foam)..
a. Ishtar, from Akkadian ištar;;
b. Esther, from Hebrew ʔestēr, perhaps from Akkadian ištar, Ishtar (or from Persian sitareh, star; see ster-3 in Appendix I).

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