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(Brewing) vins délimités de qualité supérieure: on a bottle of French wine, indicates that it contains high-quality wine from an approved regional vineyard; the second highest French wine classification. Compare AC, vin de pays, vin de table
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The next level of quality, VDQS, will continue to be labeled as such.
At this time, only about 1 percent of French wines are designated VDQS.
The same as France's vin delimite de qualite superieure (VDQS), essentially a stepping stone to the highest designation.
At the top level, there are now 32 DOCs, equivalent to Appellation Controllee, with nine second tier IPRs, similar to VDQS (Appellation-in-waiting).
vin delimite de qualite superieure (VDQS) (van deh-lee-mee-TAY duh kah-lee-TAY soo-pehr-YUR) In French law, the classification of wine regions just below Appellation d'Origin Controlee.
VDQS (Vin Delimite de Qualite Superieure) In French law, the classification of wine regions just below Appellation d'Origin Controlee.