US Senate

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Noun1.US Senate - the upper house of the United States CongressUS Senate - the upper house of the United States Congress
senate - assembly possessing high legislative powers
Congress, U.S. Congress, United States Congress, US Congress - the legislature of the United States government
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References in periodicals archive ?
The US Senate on Wednesday approved a bill that would grant $4.6 billion for border aid in a bid to stem illegal migration across the country's southern border with Mexico.
The ratification process began Wednesday in the US Senate. The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee will have a hearing on the North-Atlantic approach towards NATO.
Summary: Washington [USA], May 17 (ANI): Jeffrey Rosen was confirmed as the United States' latest deputy attorney general by the US Senate on Thursday after his predecessor, Rod Rosenstein, left the department last week.
The ambassador met Chairman US Senate Armed Services Committee James Inhofe, Republican Senate Todd Young who serves on the US Senate's Foreign Relations Committee and Republican Representative Ted Yoho who is a member of the US House Subcommittee on Asia which is a subcommittee within the US House Foreign Affairs Committee.
The US Senate returned the nomination of Patrick Murphy as Ambassador to Cambodia back to US President Donald Trump on Thursday, as the American government shutdown entered its third week.
IT was disappointing news for thousands when the US Senate failed to approve a Bill granting visas to Irish workers.
RIYADH: Saudi Arabia on Sunday rejected as interference" a US Senate resolution to end American military support for a Riyadh-led war in Yemen, and another holding its crown prince responsible for the murder of critic Jamal Khashoggi.
The US Senate voted 50-48 in favour of Brett Kavanaugh being appointed to the Supreme Court last night.
21 (Petra)--His Majesty King Abdullah II received at Al Husseiniya Palace on Wednesday member of the US Senate's Armed Services Committee Senator Jack Reed and the accompanying delegation.
Deputy Ministers of Defense of BiH Boris Jerinic and Sead Jusic, with their associates, met today with the Delegation of the US Senate Armed Services Committee, led by Dustin Walker.
This came as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al Thani met with Senator Richard Burr, Chairman of the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and Senator Mark Warner, Vice-Chairman of the Committee, during his current visit to the US.
ISTANBUL, June 19 (KUNA) -- Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim criticized on Tuesday the US Senate's decision to block the US administration from selling warplanes and other military equipment to his country.

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