Tenant saw

Ten´ant saw`

1.See Tenon saw, under Tenon.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
One tenant saw flames on a banister and felt "unbearable" heat.
"Adams has a terrific reputation in operating its buildings and the tenant saw an opportunity to make a long-term home at the property," said Beyda.
When the tenant saw the pair stealing his belongings, he was quick to contact police, which resulted in the capture of the teenager and we are still on the lookout for the other suspect," said police spokesman Col.
"In the first location on Spring Street, the tenant saw firsthand the benefits of the area's influx of tourists, residents, employees and shoppers," said Braus.
"Patients know the location, and the tenant saw a tremendous benefit of staying in the space given the tremendous institutional history."