Sovereign state

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a state which administers its own government, and is not dependent upon, or subject to, another power.

See also: Sovereign

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
"WHAT a happy land you are!" said a Republican Form of Government to a Sovereign State. "Be good enough to lie still while I walk upon you, singing the praises of universal suffrage and descanting upon the blessings of civil and religious liberty.
In this manner were communities formed with magical rapidity; and most of those who witnessed the purchase of the empty empire, have lived to see already a populous and sovereign state, parcelled from its inhabitants, and received into the bosom of the national Union, on terms of political equality.
"I am too high-born to be propertied, To be a secondary at control, Or useful serving-man and instrument To any sovereign state throughout the world."
The words locum sigillis are humbly suggested as a suitable motto for the Pribyloff Islands whenever they shall take their place as a sovereign State of the American Union.
Even in those confederacies which have been composed of members smaller than many of our counties, the principle of legislation for sovereign States, supported by military coercion, has never been found effectual.
To that world assembly of sovereign states: the United Nations.
They ought, with equal care, to have preserved the FEDERAL form, which regards the Union as a CONFEDERACY of sovereign states; instead of which, they have framed a NATIONAL government, which regards the Union as a CONSOLIDATION of the States." And it is asked by what authority this bold and radical innovation was undertaken?
But in its construction the Convention immediately perceived that they must retrace their steps, and fall back from a league of friendship between sovereign States to the constituent sovereignty of the people; from power to right--from the irresponsible despotism of State sovereignty to the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence.
Khartoum, July23 (SUNA) - The secretary general of Federal Umma Party, Nagm Deraisa affirmed his party's rejection to all forms of foreign interferences in Sudan's internal affairs , stressing that Sudan is a sovereign state and no country has the right to intervene in its affairs.
Living life in a free and sovereign state is the right of people of Palestine.
The Foreign Minister said that as a sovereign state, Sri Lanka must set its priorities in addressing the well-being and sustainable peace for her people, as a sovereign state.
The organisation asserted that the civilised world should unconditionally support the Baloch freedom struggle and recognise Balochistan's pre-1948 position as a sovereign state. Now the geopolitically significant Balochistan is under the occupation of religious fanatic state of Pakistan, it claimed.