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Related to Sarcodina: Ciliophora, Sporozoa, Zoomastigina
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Sarcodina - characterized by the formation of pseudopods for locomotion and taking food: ActinopodaSarcodina - characterized by the formation of pseudopods for locomotion and taking food: Actinopoda; Rhizopoda
phylum Protozoa, Protozoa - in some classifications considered a superphylum or a subkingdom; comprises flagellates; ciliates; sporozoans; amoebas; foraminifers
sarcodine, sarcodinian - protozoa that move and capture food by forming pseudopods
Actinopoda, subclass Actinopoda - heliozoans; radiolarians
Rhizopoda, subclass Rhizopoda - creeping protozoans: amoebas and foraminifers
class - (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
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References in periodicals archive ?
Tretise on Invertebrate paleontology, Part C, Protista, Sarcodina. The Geological Soceiety America and the University of Kansas Press, 1: 1-510.