Sao Goncalo

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Noun1.Sao Goncalo - an industrial city in southeastern Brazil across the bay from Rio de Janeiro
Brasil, Brazil, Federative Republic of Brazil - the largest Latin American country and the largest Portuguese speaking country in the world; located in the central and northeastern part of South America; world's leading coffee exporter
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References in periodicals archive ?
('EGPB') has started construction of the 133 MW expansion of the Sao Goncalo solar park, located in Sao Goncalo do Gurgueia, in Brazil's northeastern state of Piaui.
Vale informs on the decision by the president of the Superior Court of Justice (Superior Tribunal de Justica) granting the request presented by the Sao Goncalo do Rio Abaixo city, suspending the effects of the decision of Minas Gerais State Court (Tribunal de Justica do Estado de Minas Gerais), that granted the preliminary request for injunction by the State Public Prosecutors of Minas Gerais in the Appeal n.
Estudo transversal realizado com adolescentes praticantes de futsal da cidade de Sao Goncalo do Amarante, Ceara.
Lippia rotundifolia of population : GIG: Comunity Gigante in Botumirim city; RPE: Margins of the Rio do Peixe in Botumirim city; RTI: Stream of Rio Tigre in Gouveia city; JFE: Serra Geral in Joaquim Felicio city; SGS: Sao Goncalo do Rio das Pedras in district of Serro; ABO: Comunity Aboboras in Montes Claros city; SNO: Parque Estadual de Serra Nova in Rio Pardo de Minas city; ODA: PPA from Olhos D'agua city; PVP: Parque Estadual Veredas do Peruacu in Conego Marinho city; PRP: Parque Estadual do Rio Preto in Sao Goncalo do Rio Preto city.
No periodo de 2014 a 2017, foram coletadas e analisadas quanto aos parametros fisicoquimicos 30 amostras de aguas subterraneas provenientes de pocos situados em algumas cidades da Regiao Metropolitana de Fortaleza--CE, sendo quinze amostras oriundas da cidade de Fortaleza, nove de Aquiraz, tres de Horizonte, duas de Sao Goncalo do Amarante e uma de Eusebio (Figura 1).
Melson expande a nocao de marginalidade ao mostrar como maciel aborda a relacao entre masculinidade, raca e espaco urbano, atraves da trajetoria de um personagem que, da rica copacabana a periferica sao Goncalo, sofre as consequencias de nao se encaixar em categorias de masculinidade hegemonicas em nenhum destes espacos.
'Guajiru', 'manipuca' and 'murici-pitanga' fruits were harvested at the Botanical Garden of Sao Goncalo, in Sao Goncalo do Amarante-CE, located between the coordinates 3[degrees] 36' 26" S and 38[degrees] 58' 06" W, constituted of Restinga, with minimum rainfall in August (1.5 mm) and maximum in April (281.8 mm) (FUNCEME, 2015; IPECE, 2015), under Equatorial Savana climate with dry summer (As) according to the climatic classification of Koppen-Geiger (Kottek et al., 2006).
Considerando o ja dito, esse artigo imerge em praticas docentes em escolas publicas de Sao Goncalo e de Guapimirim (ambas no estado do Rio de Janeiro).
Analyses were carried out on fruits collected at Fazenda Experimental do Moura - UFVJM, municipality of Curvelo, and at the State Park of Rio Preto - IEF, municipality of Sao Goncalo do Rio Preto, both in the State of Minas Gerais.