Nine men's morris

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See Morris.

See also: nine

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Nine Men's Morris was a game of strategy, which almost certainly involved gambling, and probably relieved the boredom of soldiers having little to do.
They do a dance called Nine Men's Morris - and yet often only have one male dancer.
Nine Men's Morris is mentioned in which Shakespeare play?
Each day also includes live music, storytelling, Mummers' Plays, Elizabethan dancing, archery and falconry plus Tudor games including skittles, quoits and nine men's morris, one of the world's oldest board games.
The dig has revealed the walls and floors of buildings belonging to the manor, and a fascinating collection of artefacts, including gaming pieces and a Nine Men's Morris slate, pottery from as early as the Roman period and meat bones.
During yesterday's event people also got to make wooden deer, pomanders, go on history walks and play a game of Nine Men's Morris - similar to draughts and noughts and crosses.
From Tic-tac-toe (first played in ancient Egypt), to Nine Men's Morris (once played in England with living pieces), and Mankala--the oldest and most popular game in the world.
They'll include Nine Men's Morris, one of the oldest board games in the world, and the unpronounceable Hnefatafl - a Viking game similar to chess and not for sore losers.
Our Nine Men's Morris ends up sometimes having only one man!" For this reason alone the latest new member to join their side, driving instructor Nigel Deans, was most welcome.
Beamish Museum provided boolers (traditional hoops and sticks) along with Shove Ha'penny and Nine Men's Morris boards for the children to learn how youngsters occupied themselves in bygone times.
A board for the ancient game of Nine Men's Morris has been carved into the Royal Shakespeare Company gardens in Stratford.
DEEP IN THOUGHT: Four-year-old PJ McAteer concentrates hard as he is shown how to play Nine Men's Morris. Picture: MARK RADFORD