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abbreviation for
(Education) National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education
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"We and our colleagues in NATFHE are determined to resolve the dispute and hope that the employers will commit to further talks in the interests of both students and staff."
"By pursuing such a policy NATFHE will isolate its members and their students."
Roger Kline, head of the universities department at NATFHE, said he was "gobsmacked" that UCEA had not yet tabled a new offer..
Dr Terry Murphy, the North-east's Natfhe representative, said Teesside University has managed to maintain a good relationship with lecturers.
Roger Kline, head of higher education, equality and employment rights at NATFHE, said: "This is going to be a distressing time for both students and lecturers.
Talks between Natfhe officials and the Association of Colleges last week failed to reach a compromise.
Members of AUT are refusing to set exams, while Natfhe members in post-1992 universities - such as the University of Glamorgan - will set exams but withhold marks.
Natfhe leader, Paul Mackney, said: "Lecturers are fed-up, angry and voting with their feet."
On this basis we condemn the action of Natfhe members and support the university's decision to withhold pay until contractual duties have been fulfilled.
Lecturers in NATFHE and the Association of University Teachers are carrying out a marking boycott as part of the dispute - leaving students fearing they may not graduate.
The students, who are due to graduate later this year, hit out after members of unions Natfhe and the Association of University Lecturers voted to boycott assessments.
The two national lecturers' unions, Natfhe and AUT, want a 23 per cent pay increase over the next three years for lecturers.