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Related to Menomini: Menominees


(məˈnɒmənɪ) or


npl -ni, -nis, -nee or -nees
1. (Peoples) a member of a North American Indian people formerly living between Lake Michigan and Lake Superior
2. (Languages) the language of this people, belonging to the Algonquian family
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Menomini - a member of the federally recognized tribe of Algonquian people living on a reservation in central WisconsinMenomini - a member of the federally recognized tribe of Algonquian people living on a reservation in central Wisconsin
Algonquian, Algonquin - a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Algonquian language and originally living in the subarctic regions of eastern Canada; many Algonquian tribes migrated south into the woodlands from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic coast
2.Menomini - the Algonquian language spoken by the Menomini
Algonquian language, Algonquin, Algonquian - family of North American Indian languages spoken from Labrador to South Carolina and west to the Great Plains
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References in periodicals archive ?
America): Maliseet, Passamaquoddy; Abenaki, Penobscot; Caddo; Plains Ojibwa; Arapaho; Blackfoot; Crow; Gros Ventre; Sarsi; Arikara; Wichita; Pawnee; Cheyenne; Teton; Winnebago; Omaha, Ponka; Iowa; Swampy Cree (Eastern); Ojibwa (Eastern); Montagnais; Naskapi; Swampy Cree (Western); Northern Ojibwa; Santee; Five Nations Iroquois; Fox, Sauk, Kikapoo; Assiniboine; Plains Cree; Menomini; Ojibwa (Western);
The Stockbridges and Oneidas, having served the Americans during the American Revolution, ultimately looked for new lands in the west and moved to Wisconsin in the 1830s, and finally in 1856 to a reservation obtained from the Menomini in Shawano County which now provided a new home for the Stockbridge people.
For example, Menomini Indians children 'are always present when anything is going on' and are thus able to learn by observation and a 'self-conscious attempt to replicate every move and posture of' adults (Spindler 1963:385).
Knowing that he had recently studied the Ojibwa Mitawin, they asked him to be initiated into the Menominee Mitawin "in order that their version of the Traditions and dramatized forms of initiation could be studied and preserved 'for the information of future generations of the Menomini.'" The elders believed these skills were being lost because younger members of the tribe lacked interest.
"Ultimately, we wanted the Aboriginal perspective to emerge on the issues and challenges being addressed from a number of persons, organizations, and researchers who are in the front lines advocating for greater community awareness and more effective services," said Webster, who is Oneida/ Menomini.
On a analyse les indices d'abondance, exprimes en loge des prises par unite d'effort (PPUE), de quatre especes marines (morue arctique, Boreogadus saida; chaboisseau a quatre cornes, Myoxocephalus quadricornis; plie arctique, Pleuronectes glacialis; navaga jaune, Eleginus gracilis); deux especes d'eau douce (menomini rond, Prosopium cylindraceum, et ombre arctique, Thymallus arcticus); ainsi qu'une espece anadrome (eperlan arc-en-ciel, Osmerus mordax), afin de determiner s'il y avait une augmentation dans l'abondance des especes marines et une diminution dans les especes anadromes et d'eau douce.
ethnomusicologist, or the "culture of the Music Building" do not play bigger roles in this book than does the fairly steady stream of references to "non-Western" music cultures such as those of the Blackfoot or Menomini Indians, Persia, or perhaps of Carnatic singers.