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An ancient city of Sumer in southern Mesopotamia. It flourished c. 2400 bc and after the fall of Akkad (c. 2180) enjoyed a classical revival noted for its sculpture and literature.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈleɪ gæʃ)

an ancient Sumerian city between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, at the modern village of Telloh in SE Iraq.
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The earliest known tax records, dating from approximately six thousand years B.C., are in the form of clay tablets found in the ancient city-state of Lagash in modern day Iraq [5].
Rather, the great majority are likewise an-[se.sub.3]-[gu.sub.2] (in ten cases an-[gu.sub.2]-[se.sub.3]), suggesting first that an-[se.sub.3]-[gu.sub.2] swept up through Abu Salabikh and Kish into Ebla, without influence from Lagash province, but second that we cannot really know what stood behind the original, after all quite significant accounting term in our ED Ma administrative documents.
The history of international agreements goes back a long time - several millennia ago, two Sumerian city-states Lagash and Ummah concluded an agreement that put an end to the dispute over water in the Tigris River and which is often called the earliest known international treaty in the water sphere in the history of mankind.
Alguns inscritos de argila encontrados em Lagash apontam o fato de que se aplicavam impostos para cobrir os gastos de uma terrivel guerra, mas, uma vez que cessavam as hostilidades, os coletores de impostos pretendiam manter a exacao.
The group paid particular attention to a statue of Maitreya, a Buddha from the Malla dynasty in Nepal dating back to 1100-1200, a statue of Gudea, prince of Lagash from Muse du Louvre, the Winged dragon, a statue of Dancing Shiva and Fountain of Light by renowned Chinese contemporary artist Ai Weiwei.
Part of these treasures include 13 fragments of a frieze that reveal Surah Al Hashr from the Holy Quran, a statue of Alexander the Great, a Portrait of Fayoum which dates back to 22-250 A.D, Antinoopolis, Bactrian Princess statue - end of third or beginning of second millennium BC Central Asia, a statue of Gudea, the Prince of Lagash, from the Neo-Sumerian period, 2125 - 2110 BC in Ancient Girsu, now known as Iraq, as well as an ancient statue of the Sphinx, which dates back to the 6th century BC.
(13) In March 2015, a police raid in Bulgaria uncovered a stash of items thought to be from the Sumerian city of Lagash, in Southern Iraq.
One of the first in recorded history erupted around 4,500 years ago, when the city-state of Lagash -- nestled between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq -- diverted water from its neighbor, Umma.
Mosul / NINA / The International Coalition aircraft bombed a secret bank to Daash in Bab Lagash area in the center of Mosul, according to local residents.