Hammond organ

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Hammond organ

(Instruments) trademark an electric organ with two keyboards, electronic tone generation, and a wide variety of tone colours: invented in 1934
[C20: named after Laurens Hammond (1895–1973), US mechanical engineer]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Hammond organ - (music) an electronic simulation of a pipe organHammond organ - (music) an electronic simulation of a pipe organ
electronic instrument, electronic musical instrument - a musical instrument that generates sounds electronically
music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
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References in periodicals archive ?
It features four soloists, including Jon Lord on the Hammond Organ. He said: "To be asked to write a piece of music based on a place as beautiful as Durham was an honour and a privilege.
The band have always admitted the Hammond organ line was inspired by the Johann Sebastian Bach's Sleepers Awake and Air On A G String, but disputed who was responsible for its re-working.
Previously, she's toured in a trio with just Hammond organ and bass, so maybe this is what to expect at Warwick Arts Centre next Tuesday.
Hammond organ specialist Joanne Naulls, from Gainsborough, is the guest of the David Hamilton Organ Society, on Thursday, August 18.
The band, formed in 2001, comprises Deborah Cohen, guitar; Ashley Webber, bass; Shelby Stocks, drums; Jenny Smyth, Hammond organ; and singer Katie Sketch.
Incorporating hammond organ, Afro-Cuban drums and gospel choirs, she has allowed her mellow side to shine on tracks such as Sweet The Sting.
Auger's keyboard playing is well to the fore here, particularly his expertise on the Hammond organ.
I once heard our National Anthem played on a Hammond Organ and it came over as the sweetest tune.
A tireless charity worker, he sold his own Hammond Organ for pounds 1,000, with the proceeds going to Llandough Hospital's child cancer charity, Latch.
Jon Lord on the Hammond Organ. He said: "To be asked to music based on a place as beautiful as Durham was an honour and a privilege.
In her younger days, Mrs Dutton, 84 - who learned to play the piano when she was seven - accompanied well-known artists on the Hammond Organ in a Huddersfield club.
HE was the first and greatest jazz master of the Hammond organ. Smith not only devised new methods of playing the instrument - one example was the heel toe technique on the bass pedal adapted from his experience as a tap dancer - but developed a whole new jazz lexicon for it.