Guide pulley

(Mach.) a pulley for directing or changing the line of motion of belt; an idler.

See also: Guide

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
In the equation [K2.sub.ijn], [K3.sub.ijn] [K4.sub.ijn] are the vertical stiffness of the walking tires, the guide pulley and the steady wheel respectively; [R2.sub.ijn], [R3.sub.ijn] [R4.sub.ijn] are vertical center of bogies, lateral relative displacements of the guide pulley and the steady wheel; [C2.sub.ijn], [C3.sub.ijn] [C4.sub.ijn] are the vertical damping of the running tire, the radial damping of the guide wheel and the steady wheel; [l.sub.vx] is the distance between the front and rear air springs.
- Rotor cup textile bearings (Rotor bearings, Opening Roller bearings, Press Pulley bearings, Guide Pulley bearings, Return Roller bearings and cots bearings) and their corresponding components.
Rotor cup textile bearings (Rotor bear- ings, Opening Roller bearings, Press Pulley bearings, Guide Pulley bearings, Return Roller bearings and cots bearings) and their corresponding components.