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A city of the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo on the shore of Lake Kivu. After receiving an influx of Rwandan refugees in 1994, Goma was the scene of a series of ethnic conflicts and uprisings against the country's central government.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Noun1.Goma - a city in eastern Congo at the northern end of Lake Kivu near the border with Rwanda
Belgian Congo, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zaire - a republic in central Africa; achieved independence from Belgium in 1960
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References in periodicals archive ?
Au debut de ce mois, l'organisation onusienne avait confirme que quatre personnes avaient ete infectees par Ebola a Goma, une grande ville qui fait frontiere avec le Rwanda.
'Over the last couple of weeks we have seen worrying extensions of the disease...we have had a cluster of cases in Mwenga, to the south of Bukavu, we have a case in Pinga - which is very difficult and inaccessible area to the northeast of Goma,' Ryan told a news conference.
Goma, a lakeside city of nearly 2 million people on the Rwandan border, has been on high alert over the past week after a gold miner with a large family contaminated several people before dying himself.
This is the first transmission of Ebola inside Goma, a city of more than 2 million people on the Rwandan border, a scenario that health experts have long feared.
The first case of Ebola was reported in Goma on 14th July 2019 where the infected patient died within 24 hours.
Goma has a population of more than 2 million people and is located on the border with Rwanda.
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo -- One year on since the Ebola outbreak was first declared in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo the disease continues to spread with 2,690 cases and 1,803 deaths, a 67% case fatality rate.
Goma had its second case of Ebola fever confirmed this week.
Goma, a city of two million people and a major transport hub, shares the border with the Rwandan city of Gisenyi, which has a population of more than 85,000.
The infected person traveled 125 miles (200km) in a bus with nearly 20 people to reach Goma.
The health ministry confirmed that a pastor tested positive for the virus in a centre in Goma after arriving there by bus on Sunday from Butembo.
The health ministry confirmed in a series of tweets that a sick pastor tested positive for the virus in a centre in Goma arriving there by a bus from Butembo on Sunday, Al Jazeera reported.