French people

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Noun1.French people - the people of France
nation, country, land - the people who live in a nation or country; "a statement that sums up the nation's mood"; "the news was announced to the nation"; "the whole country worshipped him"
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References in classic literature ?
"An authorised offer of peace from Germany to the French people," the ambassador answered slowly.
I do not know that all which has been said is rigidly just, but I am inclined to think that much of it is, and, as I am now writing to Americans, and of French people, I see no particular reason why the fact should be concealed.
"The Emperor Alexander," said she, with the melancholy which always accompanied any reference of hers to the Imperial family, "has declared that he will leave it to the French people themselves to choose their own form of government; and I believe that once free from the usurper, the whole nation will certainly throw itself into the arms of its rightful king," she concluded, trying to be amiable to the royalist emigrant.
"Why, Huck, doan' de French people talk de same way we does?"
He failed to realize that the French people were asserting their most elementary rights against an oppression a hundred times more intolerable than anything that the Americans had suffered; his imagination had long before been dazzled during a brief stay in Paris by the external glitter of the French Court; his own chivalrous sympathy was stirred by the sufferings of the queen; and most of all he saw in the Revolution the overthrow of what he held to be the only safe foundations of society--established government, law, social distinctions, and religion--by the untried abstract theories which he had always held in abhorrence.
The love of pleasure and excitement which seems in a large measure to possess the French people impressed itself upon me.
It was about a week after this that we made the banks of Newfoundland; where, to shorten my story, we put all our French people on board a bark, which they hired at sea there, to put them on shore, and afterwards to carry them to France, if they could get provisions to victual themselves with.
There are no people in the world but the French people who have ideas.
Bertrand DelanoE1/2 said that "France cherishes the values of liberty, equality and fraternity" and it is important to establish "relations between the two countries that rest on respect and equality which are France's unwavering values," specifying that "French people should stand beside the Tunisian people, by supporting the Revolution and bearing the values of the French Republic, so as to avoid any misunderstanding."
Surprisingly, a poll revealed that 57 per cent of French people support Unions' and students' protests and 68 per cent of French people believe the economic policy of his government is bad.
"It is a wrong and unjust law and we may die at any time." Malbrunot, with the Al-Jazeera symbol visible above him on the screen, said: "I appeal to French people to go to the streets ...
NEW DELHI, Nov 14 (KUNA) -- Indian leadership on Saturday strongly condemned the terror attacks in Paris which killed and injured hundreds of innocent French people. Indian President Pranab Mukherjee said in a statement "I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Paris, India stands firmly by France.