Franciscan order

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Related to Franciscan order: Dominican order, Friars Minor
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Franciscan order - a Roman Catholic order founded by Saint Francis of Assisi in the 13th centuryFranciscan order - a Roman Catholic order founded by Saint Francis of Assisi in the 13th century
monastic order, order - a group of person living under a religious rule; "the order of Saint Benedict"
Franciscan, Grey Friar - a Roman Catholic friar wearing the grey habit of the Franciscan order
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For both groups, it reflected how the Franciscan order had moved away from Francis's ideals--which Clare shared--to become more like other religious orders.
The Franciscan order fought release of the documents through several levels of court before the California Supreme Court declined to review an appeals court decision and allowed the release of the documents.
For Sister Ruth (left), a missionary nun of the Franciscan order, the visit to a town which was once home to an ancient abbey was yet another step in an incredible journey.
The attempt to relate Margherita's life to Cortonese civic politics and religious life, especially that of the fragmented Franciscan order and the role of the powerful Casali family, is useful in explaining the success of her cult.
He joined the Franciscan Order when he was just 15 and became chaplain to the New York Fire Department.
According to officials of the Franciscan order that had given him refuge, Murad actually was shot to death on June 23 in the town of Gassanieh, in a convent where the 49-year-old monk was in hiding.
Once again Bonaventure claims the spotlight, this time as the head of the Franciscan order, intimately involved in the struggle to justify this radically new religious movement within the church.
The hermitage tradition "has always been a part of the history" of the Franciscan order, Harrington said, but it "was kind of neglected" for centuries until after the Second Vatican Council, which called on religious orders to rekindle the spirit of their founders.
The Franciscan Order confirmed yesterday that Cardinal Desmond Connell will preside over the ceremony to welcome the relics of St Anthony when they arrive on June 5.
When Bonaventure became minister general of the Franciscan Order in 1257, he "understood that the only way to unfasten the grip of Francis's dead hand was to offer an alternative that would transform Francis's history into a new, less action-oriented, and less radical message" (147).
The remains of the Italian Franciscan monk will tour around Dublin and Carlow and the Franciscan order are expecting crowds similar to those for the relics of St Therese of Lisieux.
In these essays on the men and women of the Franciscan order from its inception to the late sixteenth century, contributors to this annual cover the writings of St.

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