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(Biography) Sean (ʃɔːn). born 1963, New Zealand Rugby Union footballer; played in 92 test matches (1986–97), 51 as captain
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If the sight of another man in his shirt at first added some shock to the decency of the lady, it made her presently amends by considerably abating her fears; for no sooner had the calabalaro entered the room than he cried out, "Mr Fitzpatrick, what the devil is the maning of this?" Upon which the other immediately answered, "O, Mr Maclachlan!
Fitzpatrick, now perceiving, as well by the glimpse he had of the lady, as by her voice, which might have been distinguished at a greater distance than he now stood from her, that he had made a very unfortunate mistake, began to ask many pardons of the lady; and then, turning to Jones, he said, "I would have you take notice I do not ask your pardon, for you have bate me; for which I am resolved to have your blood in the morning."
Jones treated this menace with much contempt; and Mr Maclachlan answered, "Indeed, Mr Fitzpatrick, you may be ashamed of your own self, to disturb people at this time of night; if all the people in the inn were not asleep, you would have awakened them as you have me.
She cried, "She was undone, and that the reputation of her house, which was never blown upon before, was utterly destroyed." Then, turning to the men, she cried, "What, in the devil's name, is the reason of all this disturbance in the lady's room?" Fitzpatrick, hanging down his head, repeated, "That he had committed a mistake, for which he heartily asked pardon," and then retired with his countryman.
The tramontane concerns of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company were managed by two resident partners, Fitzpatrick and Bridger; those of the American Fur Company, by Vanderburgh and Dripps.
Fitzpatrick, an experienced trader and trapper, knew the evils of competition in the same hunting grounds, and had proposed that the two companies should divide the country, so as to hunt in different directions: this proposition being rejected, he had exerted himself to get first into the field.
Finding him at his camp in Green River valley, he immediately furnished himself with the supplies; put himself at the head of the free trappers and Delawares, and set off with all speed, determined to follow hard upon the heels of Fitzpatrick and Bridger.
ENGLAND'S Matt Fitzpatrick admitted life could not get any better after claiming his first European Tour title with a wire-to-wire victory in the British Masters yesterday, taking his season's earnings to more than PS1million.
MATT Fitzpatrick claimed his first European Tour title with a wire-towire victory in the British Masters yesterday, taking his season's earnings to more than PS1million.
Robert Fitzpatrick, who was once second in command of the Boston FBI division, surrendered to U.S.
Liverpool Crown Court heard that a group of men brought "a female kidnap victim" from Hull to Andrew Fitzpatrick's home in Mansell Road on October 10 last year.
Blogger, author and social media marketer Peg Fitzpatrick of Keene has created a brand that extends far beyond the borders of New Hampshire.