Essex girl

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Essex girl

derogatory informal a young working-class woman from the Essex area, typically considered as being unintelligent, materialistic, devoid of taste, and sexually promiscuous
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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But while the material is new, the characters are familiar - such as foul-mouthed Nan Taylor, Irish nurse Bernie, Geordie Georgie, and Essex Girl Sam.
The 21-date tour of The Catherine Tate Show will feature some of her best-known characters from her BBC series, including Nan, Irish nurse Bernie, Geordie Georgie, Essex girl Sam and, of course, Lauren with her catchphrase "Am I bovvered?".
Carmel is an Essex girl at heart, and as an overly protective mother she loves her children, but has a tendency to embarrass them.
Harry Lerwill Didn't find that funny at all, let's get a dippy Essex girl and let her read out welsh words......
Word on the web Just for a laugh, we gave a load of Welsh words to a proper Essex girl and asked her to pronounce them WHY bother going all the way to EssexWould have had exactly the same result outside Cardiff Central...
BIRDS OF A FEATHER KING'S THEATRE, EDINBURGH, 10.04 A stage adaptation of safe 90s Essex girl sitcom Birds of a Feather might not seem for anyone bar the easily pleased.
Even the Essex girl's failsafe - the white stiletto is having a major
The Essex girl said: "I hate to say I'm a celebrity because I don't think I am, but we are in the public eye and there are people out there who are jealous.
The two have historic bad blood - with Piers labelling the brainbox as a "chump of 2008" in his newspaper column, adding: "She lost her Countdown gig to a foxy maths genius Essex girl half her age, and twice as good looking."
IF YOU''RE an Essex girl or boy and want to shout it from the roof tops, the DVLA is selling the perfect personalised registration fo you - ESS 3X.
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