References in classic literature ?
And he was the noblest and the manliest, save Esau. Why shall we not say a good word for the princely Bedouin?
Esau found Jacob rich, beloved by wives and children, and traveling in state, with servants, herds of cattle and trains of camels--but he himself was still the uncourted outcast this brother had made him.
The archangels gave the barkeeper a stiff little military bow; the two old men rose; one of them said, "Moses and Esau welcome thee!" and then all the four vanished, and the thrones were empty.
The barkeeper looked a little disappointed, for he was calculating to hug those old people, I judge; but it was the gladdest and proudest multitude you ever saw - because they had seen Moses and Esau. Everybody was saying, "Did you see them?
And he said we were in luck, too; said we might attend receptions for forty thousand years to come, and not have a chance to see a brace of such grand moguls as Moses and Esau. We found afterwards that we had come near seeing another patriarch, and likewise a genuine prophet besides, but at the last moment they sent regrets.
"He's of a rash, warm-hearted nature, like Esau, for whom I have always felt great pity," said Dinah.
The sperm whale, as with all other species of the Leviathan, but unlike most other fish, breeds indifferently at all seasons; after a gestation which may probably be set down at nine months, producing but one at a time; though in some few known instances giving birth to an Esau and Jacob: -- a contingency provided for in suckling by two teats, curiously situated, one on each side of the anus; but the breasts themselves extend upwards from that.
The Stairs were such as whereon JACOB saw Angels ascending and descending, bands Of Guardians bright, when he from ESAU fled To PADAN-ARAM in the field of LUZ, Dreaming by night under the open Skie, And waking cri'd, This is the Gate of Heav'n.
"Or, having delivered you, make you sign a flaming parchment, surrendering your soul to him as Esau did his birth-right?"
"Fishing contributes hugely to the economy of African countries as it brings in foreign currency and employs the youth," said Esau. "But we are facing a problem of illegal fishing which poses threats to fish stocks.
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On other issues, Mr Esau Marenga called on Okavango Sub- district Council management to improve their working relationship with his committee in order to promote smooth implementation of government services and programmes.