

a.1.(Biol.) Sexually reproductive.
Digenous reproduction
(Biol.) Same as Digenesis.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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It is undeniable that Afri- can companies have a much better grasp of their own in- digenous markets than those companies seeking to enter the African space.
Among the numerous roles of this director is finding ways to connect with In digenous community counsellors and psychotherapists and to develop culturally appropriate continuing education opportunities that include Indigenous healing methods.
Variable Coefficient p value 95% confidence interval Male * 0.05 0.590 -0.36-1.12 Non-In digenous ** -50.70 <0.001 -65.60-37.95 Haemoglobin 0.00 0.069 0.00-0.00 Potassium 0.10 0.115 -0.03-0.23 Albumin 0.00 0.981 -0.02-0.02 Corrected calcium -0.09 0.768 -0.69-0.51 Phosphate 0.17 0.085 -0.02-0.37 Calcium phosphate product 0.09 0.068 -0.01-0.18 Parathyroid hormone 0.001 0.800 -0.01-0.01 CRP 0.001 0.546 -0.001-0.003 Urea reduction ratio 0.06 <0.001 0.03-0.09 KTV 2.38 0.024 0.31-4.46 Age at the last review date -0.06 <0.001 -0.09-0.03 Body mass index -0.08 0.009 -0.14-0.02 Weekly darbepoetin dose 0.00 0.989 -0.01-0.01 Weekly epoetin alfa dose 0.00 0.891 0.00-0.00 * Female is the baseline.
It is further complicated by continuing conflicts between petroleum interests and indigenous rights in historic indigenous areas; promotion of sterilization by the government may be seen as a way to reduce in digenous populations to make it easier to appropriate land for mineral extraction.
Secondly, assumptions of canonical environmental philosophy are going to need to be reframed much more than Thompson suggests, since the canonical approach has classically, if not intentionally, left out the voices and environmental discourses of people of colour, women, in digenous people and the poor.
Chapter 6 (authors Geordan Graetz and Haydon Manning) complements Chapter 5 by offering a comprehensive history of the politics of uranium mining, through recent decades and spread across the various political interests, including those of in digenous people.
One of the major reason was that energy and power grids were producing inexpensive, in digenous and sustainable energy.
It's a good gesture to acknowledge the great services of Sufi's and highlight their due role in preaching Islamic ideology and encourage the in digenous culture and spread their message of peace, harmony and brotherhood across the world.
Rather than blame Indig-enous youth for not being familiar with the dominant norms and expect-ations associated with curriculum, or fault reserve schools for failing to equip their students for high school, educators "would likely serve In digenous youth more effectively if we did a better job integrating multiple epistemologies within our pedagogy, curricula, and educational policies" (Castagno & Brayboy, 2008, p.
This then will reflect in the texture of creative work and give it an in- digenous voice that is distinct and enriching."
(3) For further discussion of our conception of Igloolik Isuma Productions as caches for Indigenous knowledge, see Cache Collective, "cache: Provisions and productions in contemporary Igloolik video," in Global In digenous Media: Cultures, Practices and Politics, Eds.
Significant infestation by this digenous trematode is associated with the bivalve assuming an inverted position in the sediment.