Circle of latitude

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(Astron.) A great circle perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, passing through its poles.
(Spherical Projection) A small circle of the sphere whose plane is perpendicular to the axis.

See also: Circle, Circle

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Which circle of latitude divides the Earth's Southern and Northern Hemispheres?
What is the name of the circle of latitude that lies approximately 23 degrees south of the equator?
The Tropic of Cancer - also referred to as the Northern Tropic - is the most northerly circle of latitude on the earth at which the sun may appear directly overhead at its culmination.
He added that concerns have reached the extent of Saudi Arabia informing Turk officials that they can arrest any Saudi citizen who crosses the 36th parallel north circle of latitude, as there are no tourist or commercial areas there, and those who cross that point most probably want to sneak into northern Syria.
In fact, Quinlan demonstrated the difference between paths (and distances) along a great circle and along a circle of latitude by adjusting the way great and small circles are put together.