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Related to Cheremis: Cheremiss
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Noun1.Cheremis - a member of a rural Finnish people living in eastern Russia
Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, Soviet Russia, Russia - formerly the largest Soviet Socialist Republic in the USSR occupying eastern Europe and northern Asia
Russian - a native or inhabitant of Russia
2.Cheremis - the Finnic language spoken by the Cheremis
Volgaic - a group of Finnic languages spoken around the Volga river
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1961, An Eastern Cheremis Manual, Bloomington (UAS 5.
State and court peasants clustered in the borderlands: in the taiga--the North, northern Urals, Siberia--where the economy could not support gentry, and in the Volga-Urals among Turkic (Tatars, Chuvash) and Finno-Ugric-speaking natives (Votiaks, Mordva, Cheremis) and East Slavic settlers.
Sebeok, Thomas 1964 'The structure and content of Cheremis charms', in: Dell Hymes (ed.), Language in culture and society, pp.
The key etymologies are: (1) 530B [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (tao/dao/ET:sauE/FI:savi.e) 'pottery' in Sinitic; 'clay' in Finnic [~ Finno-Ugric]; (2) 8015 [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (geng/canh/ET:kundA-/FI:kynta-) 'to plough' in Sinitic and Finnic [~ Cheremis kuncas 'to dig']; (3) 8CE3 [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (mai/mai/ET:muu-/FI:myy-) 'to sell' in Sinitic and Finnic [~ Uralic].
Cheremis, "Effect of extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation of low intensity on parameters of humoral immunity in healthy mice," Biofizika., Vol.
Harva spent the summers of 1911, 1912, and 1913 with respectively the Votiaks (Votyaks or Udmurt, their indigenous ethnonym), a Permian-speaking nation in the Urals, in the Siberian Arctic, and among the Cheremis (Marl, a Volgic-speaking nation in the great bend of the Volga), to extend his knowledge beyond the Finnish groups he already had studied.
1960, Eighteenth Century Cheremis. The Evidence from Pallas.
Kazan was politically brittle, in that there were cultural and religious divisions between its Finno-Ugric rural population (Chuvash, Mordvin, Cheremis, Votiaks) and its Muslim Tatar nobility, as well as factional polarizations within the latter.
In the following paper the morphology of negation is studied as it appears in the central subdialect of Mari (Cheremis), a member of the Volgaic branch of Finno-Ugric (Uralic) family.