Chadic language

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Noun1.Chadic language - a family of Afroasiatic tonal languages (mostly two tones) spoken in the regions west and south of Lake Chad in north central Africa
West Chadic - a group of Chadic languages spoken in northern Nigeria; Hausa in the most important member
Biu-Mandara - a group of Chadic languages spoken in the border area between Cameroon and Nigeria south of Lake Chad
East Chadic - a group of Chadic languages spoken in Chad
Masa - an independent group of closely related Chadic languages spoken in the area between the Biu-Mandara and East Chadic languages
Afrasian, Afrasian language, Afroasiatic, Afro-Asiatic, Afroasiatic language, Hamito-Semitic - a large family of related languages spoken both in Asia and Africa
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Whereas the first event is expressed by means of a lexical root, the second is expressed by means of a derivational suffix, as I will show for the Afroasiatic Chadic language Hausa (Section 2.1), the Niger-Congo language Tima (Section 2.2), and a number of Nilo-Saharan Nilotic languages (Section 2.3).
The most detailed study to date of an African language in this domain is that of Hellwig (2003) on Goemai, a Chadic language of Nigeria (see also Hellwig this issue).
This article discusses the semantics and pragmatics of postural, existential and positional verbs occurring in the basic locative construction of Goemai, a West Chadic language of Central Nigeria.
Birgit Hellwig discusses "Serial Verb Constructions in Goemai", a West Chadic language (spoken in Nigeria) with isolating tendencies, in Chapter 3 (pp.
Hausa and the Chadic Language Family: A Bibliography.
The topics of the papers tend to show the increasing attractiveness of Chadic language structures for general linguistic discussions in recent theoretical frameworks on syntax.
Finally, the two lowest ranking languages in the complexity rank given in table 4 are the Chadic languages Mwaghavul (GCS = 0.08) and Pero (GCS = 0.12), both of which are spoken in Nigeria.
In his work on paradigmatic displacement, Russel Schuh proposes two aspects in which the feature is most common in West Chadic languages: (1) "analogical leveling of original distinctions on the model of one or more members of the paradigm" and (2) "to level variation at its original position while shifting it to some other point" (1980:355).
Reduplication in the Chadic Languages: A Study of Form and Function.
Apart from South Asian languages like Kannada, Meithei, Marathi and Punjabi in the set of languages described here (Sridhar 1990: 72-74, 74-76; Chelliah 1997: 186-187; Pandharipande 1997: Section, Section; Bhatia 1993: 74-75), it is also found in languages of South America (Cubeo in Morse and Maxwell 1999: 174-177; Emerillon in Rose 2003: 490-492; Wari' in Everett and Kern 1997: 97-98), Papuan languages (Golin in Loughnane 2003; Hatam in Reesink 1999: 128 129: Usan in Reesink 1987: 255: Yimas in Foley 1991: 402-403), languages of the Caucasus (Abkhaz in Hewitt 1987: 38-40: Georgian in Hewitt 1987: 27-28), and Chadic languages (Lele in Frajzyngier 2001: 405-409, and more generally Frajzyngier 1991, 1996 on de ditto complementizers in Chadic and beyond).
UCLA was to be my academic home for the next five years, enabling me to publish several works on Hausa and Chadic languages in addition to teaching.