Calydonian boar

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Related to Calydonian boar: Erymanthian Boar, Nemean lion

Calydonian boar

(Classical Myth & Legend) Greek myth a savage boar sent by Artemis to destroy Calydon, a city in Aetolia, because its king had neglected to sacrifice to her. It was killed by Meleager, the king's son
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(64) According to Homer and later writers Meleager wasted away when his mother Althea burned the brand on which his life depended, because he had slain her brothers in the dispute for the hide of the Calydonian boar. (Cp.
in Greek mythology slew the Calydonian Boar? | WHAT...
Clas has inherited a painting by Rubens called The Calydonian Boar Hunt, which would be worth millions on the black market.
"A monster sent by the gods to ravage the vineyards" is how the Calydonian boar was described in mythologic accounts.
According to myth, Artemis' capacity for vengefulness and cruelty is exemplified by the legend of the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
20 In Greek myth, the rampage of the Calydonian Boar was the revenge of which goddess for a missed sacrifice?
Based on Ovid's account in Book VIII of the Metamorphoses, it focuses on the story of the Calydonian boar, Meleager's love for Atalanta, his quarrel with his uncles, and his mother Althaea's determination to throw the burning brand that controls the span of Meleager's life into the fire.
To the Greeks the Dioscuri were Kastor and Polydeukes, heroes who helped hunt the Calydonian Boar and sailed with Jason in quest of the Golden Fleece.
Her complex legend includes the following incidents: at her father's instance she was left to die at birth but was suckled by a she-bear; she took part in the Calydonian boar hunt; she offered to marry anyone who could outrun her--but those whom she overtook she speared.