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Related to Cabiri: Samothrace, Hephaestus


 a group of deities of Samothrace.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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(50.) Cabiri, Ylli, Adriatik Hasantari, Ilvia Bajrami, Latif Kazanxhiu, Renart Koci, Enver Mustafaj, Laver Myrteli, Albana Nuredini, Hafize Peqini, Lindita Rama, Selvie Rushiti, Gerta Xega, and Dritan Ziu (2013), Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy and Decade Action Plan in 2012 in Albania, Decade of Roma Inclusion Secretariat Foundation, Open Society Foundation, Hungary, 19.
But in its remarks on the Eleusinian mysteries and the cults of the Cabiri, Trophonios, and Mithras, it illustrates the extent of Yourcenar's academic knowledge and allows its reader to appreciate how and why she had written of the mysteries in Memoires as she did.
1996) (judgment for plaintiffs after bench trial); Cabiri v.
Syria's best days were with Shukri Al Kuvvetli and Sadullah El Cabiri. Military and racist processes almost murdered Syria."