

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Lewis Riley-Stewart and Cameron Philip handed Rangers a two-goal lead early in the second half and the game was all but up when Shaikul Islam's 20-yard lob sailed over Bilston keeper Mark Bracky.
A couple of years after school I drove past a camera shop where Neil used to work and said to my friend 'Bracky works there shall I go in and say hello?'.
Past(e): It came off in me hand like some aunt history this was(te) your intimate discovery the process of inheriting the self but P: Deed undeed CR: successfully CA: suck fully self cess ending mockery D: twin genitalled the bracky rookery (38)
So the terror bird picks out one bracky and goes after it.