Boltzmann's constant

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Noun1.Boltzmann's constant - constant used in the calculation of the ideal gas constant
constant - a number representing a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context; "the velocity of light is a constant"
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= 3/2N[k.sub.B]T, where N represents the total number of particles and [k.sub.B] is Boltzmann's constant. Note that this expression does not address any contribution to the total kinetic energy which this enclosed system might gain if it were in motion relative to another object.
At high temperatures the spin-entropy thermopower can be described by the Heikes function, S = [k.sub.B] x ln([g.sub.s] x [g.sub.c]), where [g.sub.s] is the spin degeneracy, [g.sub.c] is the configurational degeneracy, and [k.sub.B] is Boltzmann's constant [21].
Parameter Value Areas 3 x 36 [mm.sup.2] Open circuit voltage [U.sub.OC] = 0.3 V Short circuit current [I.sub.SC] = 15 UA Series resister [R.sub.s] = 0.0052 [OMEGA] Standard condition [E.sub.v] = 100 Lx Parallel number of solar cells [N.sub.1] = 2 series number of solar cells [N.sub.2] = 8 Load resistance [R.sub.h] = 0~5000 [OMEGA] Capacity 20 nF Temperature T = 298 K Electronic charge q = 1.62E-19x Boltzmann's constant K = 1.38066E-23 Gain of optical filter [T.sub.s]([psi]) = 1 Field of view [PSI] = 60[degrees] Half angel of LED [PHI] = 60[degrees] Lambert constant m = 1 Distance d = 1.0 m Optical concentrator gain 1 Power of LED 15 W Illuminance 68 lm/W
Hasbun University of West Georgia Fall 2015 clc; clearing workspace close all; clear all; Importing Data & setting constants c = 2.998e8; speed of light h = 6.62606957e-34; Planck's constant k = 1.3806488e-23; Boltzmann's constant s = 5.67e-8; Stefan-Boltzmann constant r= 1.5e11; average radius of earth's orbit Rs = 6.96e8; approximate radius of photosphere data = xlsread('SS_5_6_GHI2.xls'); imports data from excel file xdata = data(:,1)./1e9; nm converted to m ydata = data(:,2).*1e9./ 1e6.*100.*100; uw/cm^2/nm converted to W/m^3 Sfunction = @(x,xdata) (Rs/r).^2.*c^2.*h.*pi./ ...
In (5)and (6), [k.sub.b] is Boltzmann's constant, T is temperature (in K), [[epsilon].sub.0] is the dielectric permittivity in vacuum, [[epsilon].sub.r] is the relative permittivity, e is the elementary charge, N is Avogadro's number, pH is the fluid pH, [K.sub.Me] is the binding constant for sodium adsorption, [K.sub.(-)] is the disassociation constant for dehydrogenization of silanol surface sites, [[GAMMA].sub.s] is the surface site density, [K.sub.w] is the disassociation constant of water, and [C.sub.f] is the electrolyte concentration.