Bolster work

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(Arch.) members which are bellied or curved outward like cushions, as in friezes of certain classical styles.

See also: Bolster

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Coombes added that the 22 kW / 200 Nm / 15,000 rpm BIG-Plus spindle with face and taper contact has the power to deal with the heavier side of toolmaking, in particular accurate bolster work, precision boring and heavy roughing of tool steels.
musicians, the big soundstages--mostly standing empty these days--and the post-production convenience of scoring locally would inevitably bolster work for musicians if companies were offered a buyout instead of committing to an unknown future residual payment (which can range from a few thousand dollars into the millions).
That technology is said to enable integrated, centralized electronic pharmacy records and to bolster work processes and efficiencies.
Although the group is closely aligned with fundamentalist views, DePue claimed that the workshop didn't have a political agenda and insisted it was merely intended to help church leaders learn how to bolster work in their communities.
The council says the scheme will help bolster work already carried out by social workers with vulnerable families, including building up "tailored employment services".
al-Arabi the situation and changes in the Arab arena and the need to unite Arab efforts and bolster work within the framework of the Arab league to resolve Arab issues, particularly the Palestinian cause.
It may be true that when Morris graduated from art school back in the mid-1990s, other practices were in the spotlight, but is there still a need to bolster work of this kind with a pose of such clubbish toughness?