Blank indorsement

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(Law) an indorsement which omits the name of the person in whose favor it is made; it is usually made by simply writing the name of the indorser on the back of the bill.
See under Blank.

See also: Blank, Indorsement

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Accordingly, possession of the original promissory note with either a blank indorsement or special indorsement to the named plaintiff should be sufficient to establish plaintiff's standing to enforce the note.
(65) If the indorsement identifies a particular party to whom the instrument is payable, it is called a "special indorsement." (66) Any other type of indorsement by the holder is called a "blank indorsement." (67) The indorsement need not have a blank in it, such as "pay to --" or "pay to the order of --." Indeed, the indorser's signature alone constitutes a blank indorsement.
(152) New York's UCC [section] 3-204 pertains to blank indorsements, which "specif[y] no particular indorsee and may consist of a mere signature.