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(German ˈbɛrɡjʊs)
(Biography) Friedrich (Karl Rudolph) (ˈfriːdrɪç). 1884– 1949, German chemist, who invented a process for producing oil by high-pressure hydrogenation of coal: Nobel prize for chemistry 1931
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Cherry AB (STO:CHERB), a company within gaming, entertainment and media, announced on Monday that Anna Bergius and Claes Ruthberg notified chairman Morten Klein on 27 August 2018, of their decision to resign from their assignments as members of the board of directors of the company, effective immediately.
It was first described in 1913 by Bergius and was reintroduced to the public in the 21st century by Titirici and Antonietti in Germany [17].
Since before the First World War German scientists had been perfecting methods of synthesizing various petroleum products from coal--first the Bergius process (1913), which yielded gasoline, then the Fischer-Tropsch process (1926), which could produce heavier fuels, such as diesel, but was more expensive than the Bergius process.
Fourteen Bergius and Fischer-Tropsch synthetic oil plants were operating, and an additional six were under construction, and more than a million tons of natural crude were being produced from domestic sources, much of it in the recently annexed territory of Austria.
Poaceae Bahia grasses Bergius Peltaea speciosa (Kunth) Malvaceae Slimy Standl.