

v. t.1.To lock, or fasten as with a lock.
[imp. & p. p. Belocked (bė*lǒkt").]
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Also moving to the new location are Otto's service team, including Erica De La Garza and Melanie Fugate, and Jaimes' account manager, Jesse Belock.
Frank Belock, Jr., City Engineer & Engineering & Capital Projects Director, City of San Diego, CA
Belock has been named source manager for the FRP Supply Division of Ashland Distribution Company.
Frank Belock, Jr., City Engineer & Engineer & Capital Projects Director, City of San Diego, CA
- It means Murphy could belocked out of the Scottish Parliament until 2016 even if he wins the leadership.