
n.1.A beef; a beef creature.
They would knock down the first beeve they met with.
- W. Irving.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The beeves are of several kinds; one sort they have without horns, which are of no other use than to carry burthens, and serve instead of mules.
There are scant crops and few beeves in the borderland, where a man must reap his grain with sickle in one fist and brown bill in the other.
The buried heifer will give the thing thou seekest of me.' The shepherd did his bidding: swarms of bees hive our of the putrid beeve: one life snuffed out brought to the birth a thousand.)
Qualitative researchers beeve in multiple, constructed social realities, interactional relaonships between researchers and respondents, and the futity of nomothetic, decontextualized generalizations.
Walvis forecasts "ongoing superior brand momentum" and growth at Levi relative to peers, but beeves this is well understood by investors.
In 1770, Newcastle was said to be "provided with all kinds of provision from the very plentiful markets of the town, here being used annually above 5,000 beeves, 10,000 calves, 143,000 sheep and lambs, with swine, fish, poultry, eggs, butter in a prodigious abundance".
Beeves (4.10) was an unfancied 12/1 shot when scooting up in the City Of Perth Gold Cup 12 months ago.
BEEVES (3.25) can shrug off a welter-burden for Jennie Candlish in tomorrow's prestigious City Of Perth Gold Cup.
UTTOXETER: 2.10 Young Phoenix, 2.45 Flight To Milan, 3.20 Forth Bridge, 3.55 Beeves, 4.30 Drinks Interval, 5.05 The Boss's Dream, 5.40 Irish Octave.
Just before the 1pm cut-off deadline on Ladies Day (Friday, April 13) number 24, Beeves, was declared a non-runner and replaced by the third reserve Robert Walford's Walk In The Mill to be ridden by Sam Waley-Cohen.