Base fee

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formerly, an estate held at the will of the lord; now, a qualified fee. See note under Fee, n., 4.

See also: Base

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Release date- 30072019 - The Board of Directors of Keppel REIT Management Limited (the 'Company'), as manager of Keppel REIT, wishes to announce that 7,797,063 Units ('Management Fee Units') in Keppel REIT have been issued today at a price of S$1.2580 per Unit as payment of the base fee component of its management fee1 for the period from 1 April 2019 to 30 June 2019.
In a letter, Peira told all Islamabad-based schools: 'All private educational institutions whether for profit or not for profit offering education in any manner, up to intermediate or A level or equivalent level and charging fees in excess of Rs5,000 per month are hereby directed to submit their grade-wise base fees charged during the academic year ended in 2017 till 21-06-2019 positively to enable the authority Peira to recalculate/determine grade wise base fee of private schools/college of Islamabad.
PEIRA has written a letter to all private schools and colleges charging base fee in excess of Rs5,000.
expressing the view that the restriction imposed by Rule 7(3) ibid is unreasonable and hence invalid.' The bench declared that upon decision of the main appeals in the terms noted above, all interim orders passed during the pendency of the appeals (including the order dated 13.12.2018 passed in Civil Appeal No.1095/2018 regarding reduction of fees by 20% as an interim measure) have ceased to be effective, subject to recalculation of fee by using the fee prevailing in 2017 as the base fee, in accordance with the provision(s) of the Punjab Private Educational Institutions (Promotion and Regulation) (Amendment) Act, 2017 and onwards, for the Province of Punjab.
'All interim orders passed during the pendency of the appeals (including the order dated 13.12.2018 passed in Civil Appeal No 1095/2018 regarding reduction of fees by 20% as an interim measure) have ceased to be effective, subject to recalculation of fee by using the fee prevailing in 2017 as base fee...
For years, global hotel management companies offered a fairly standard management agreement to owners, taking 3 per cent of revenues (the so-called base fee) and a 10 per cent incentive fee, which was based on profit calculated before many costs incurred by the owners such as property and profit tax, insurance, interest, and replacement of fixtures and fittings.
However, the chairman will receive DKK1,200,000, corresponding to three times the base fee, and the vice chairman DKK800,000, corresponding to two times the base fee.
The revised investment management arrangements contain the following key enhancements: lower base fee rate; revision of sub-advisory fees and elimination of "one-size-fits all" approach to create greater alignment between asset differentiation and fees; recognition of a continued long-term strategic partnership with extended contract term.
Fury bagged a [pounds sterling]3.5million base fee for his world title win over Klitschko before sponsorship bonuses were added.
One Bird eliminates the USD1 base fee per ride for anyone who is presently enrolled in, or eligible for a state or federal assistance program.
The cost-based model carries many possible fees, including a base fee, a participant fee, and an asset-based fee, categorized by services rendered by different providers for recordkeeping, administration, compliance, documents, and trusteeship.