Auxiliary scales

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(Mus.) the scales of relative or attendant keys. See under Attendant, a.

See also: Auxiliary

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Lateral line scales 57-64; scale rows from 5th dorsal fin spine to lateral line 5 or 6; circumpeduncular scales 31-33; no auxiliary scales; head scaly, except for mandibles and naked area in front of eye containing nostrils.
Diagnosis: Caudal fin emarginate, lobes not filamentous; caudal concavity 6-17% SL; dorsal fin rays 16; 3rd to 10th dorsal fin spines subequal; anal fin pointed, rays 7-8; 2nd to 4th rays elongated; pectoral fins rounded, rays 17-18, pelvic fins angular, reaching just past anus; lateral line scales 43-47; scale rows from 5th dorsal fin spine to lateral line 3 or 4; circumpeduncular scales 26-28; head with small auxiliary scales; proximal half of median fins scaly, but spinous dorsal fin naked.
Caudal fin forked, lobe tips acute, 2.4-2.6 in SL; caudal fin concavity 3.7-4.1 in SL; dorsal fin with 16 rays, no elongated spines; soft dorsal fin higher than spinous part; end of dorsal fin notched by shortening of last 3 rays; anal fin rays 7, male anal fin pointed, 4th and 5th rays elongated; pectoral fin pointed, rays 16-17; pelvic fin pointed, first two rays elongated and filamentous, reaching past anal fin spines in male; lateral line scales 42-43; scale rows from 5th dorsal fin spine to lateral line 4; circumpeduncular scales 21; no auxiliary scales; distinct naked zone about half pupil diameter in width across front of snout.
Lateral line scales 39-45; scale rows from 5th dorsal fin spine to lateral line 2; circum-peduncular scales 22-25; head including lower jaw scaly (with a few small auxiliary scales), except for area in front of line joining anterior nostrils.
Lateral line scales 38-43; scale rows between 5th dorsal fin spine and lateral line 2 or 3; circumpeduncular scales 22-26; no auxiliary scales on head or body.
Lateral line scales 39-43; scale rows from 5th dorsal fin spine to lateral line 2 1/2-3 1/2; circumpeduncular scales 22-26; no auxiliary scales on head or body.
Lateral line scales 42-47; scale rows from 5rd dorsal fin spine to lateral line 5-7; head with some auxiliary scales. Gill rakers 11-12 + 26-31.
Lateral line scales 53-58; scale rows from 5th dorsal fin spine to lateral line 4 or 5; circumpeduncular scales 29-33; no auxiliary scales on body; head scaly except for mandibles, throat, branchiostegal rays and membranes, and sides of snout from front edge of eye to mid upper lip; pectoral fins scaly on basal third or more; pelvic fins with small scales on basal rays.
Lateral line scales 38-43; scale rows from 5th dorsal fin spine to lateral line 21/2; circumpeduncular scales 22-28; head scaly except for area around nostrils, branchiostegal rays and membranes and gular area of lower jaw; no auxiliary scales present.
Lateral line scales 47-50; scale rows from 5th dorsal fin spine to lateral line 4; circumpeduncular scales 28-29; auxiliary scales on head, none on body; pointed projection of small scales basally on soft portion of dorsal and anal fins; small scales on caudal fin nearly to posterior margin; pelvic fin rays scaly medially to about 3/4 distance to posterior margin.
Scales of body more or less arranged in regular transverse rows and coarsely ctenoid (up to 25 ctenii on exposed posterior margins); auxiliary scales mainly confined to lateral line and anteriormost portion of body; head fully scaled except anterior edges of lips; dorsal and anal fins scaled nearly to margins except anteriorly in spinous portion where fin membranes are deeply incised; caudal fin scaled nearly to posterior margin; pectoral and pelvic fins densely scaled at base, with tiny scales extending on surface of rays (but not on membranes) nearly to posterior margin.
Lateral line relatively inconspicuous, its presence indicated by smaller scales (including tiny auxiliary scales), gently arching across back, originating at upper corner of gill opening and terminating below end of soft dorsal fin; additionally, 7 tubed scales midlaterally on caudal peduncle.
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