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Noun1.Astreus - a genus of fungi belonging to the family GeastraceaeAstreus - a genus of fungi belonging to the family Geastraceae
fungus genus - includes lichen genera
family Geastraceae, Geastraceae - a family of earthstar fungi belonging to the order Lycoperdales
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For the ultimate airline timetable, get a handbook called OAG Express which lists every flight from every airport in Europe (except charters, such as Thomsonfly, Astreus and from Aarhus to Zurich.
'' A stewardess on the Astreus charter flight, which had 148 passengers aboard, was treated for bruising to an arm by paramedics at the airport on Friday after the plane landed.
Mr Jones said a stewardess on the Glasgow-bound Astreus charter flight, which had 148 passengers aboard, was treated for bruising to an arm by paramedics at the airport when the plane landed at about 3.30pm on Friday.