Army organization

1.The system by which a country raises, classifies, arranges, and equips its armed land forces. The usual divisions are: (1) A regular or active army, in which soldiers serve continuously with the colors and live in barracks or cantonments when not in the field; (2) the reserves of this army, in which the soldiers, while remaining constantly subject to a call to the colors, live at their homes, being summoned more or less frequently to report for instruction, drill, or maneuvers; and (3) one or more classes of soldiers organized largely for territorial defense, living at home and having only occasional periods of drill and instraction, who are variously called home reserves (as in the table below), second, third, etc., line of defense (the regular army and its reserves ordinarily constituting the first line of defense), territorial forces, or the like. In countries where conscription prevails a soldier is supposed to serve a given number of years. He is usually enrolled first in the regular army, then passes to its reserve, then into the home reserves, to serve until he reaches the age limit. It for any reason he is not enrolled in the regular army, he may begin his service in the army reserves or even the home reserves, but then serves the full number of years or up to the age limit. In equipment the organization of the army is into the three great arms of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, together with more or less numerous other branches, such as engineers, medical corps, etc., besides the staff organizations such as those of the pay and subsistence departments.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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One decree put in place the army organization, the citizen's force, and the army structure: "The revolutionary army shall be composed of three corps of ten thousand men under the command of three generals and a commanding general.
The fundamental AT basis for any Army organization or activity is
He has established a group of criminals involved in heinous crimes to create and organize Army organization - the Mohajir Liberation Army - in order to wage war against the state of Pakistan.
The Army leadership view, collectively, was that nothing was wrong with the Army organization or structure.
Every American officer to whom I have loaned my copy has said when returning it, "This is us." It is the only somewhat dry book in the canon, but the reader may skip the parts on French Army organization. It is the doctrinal development that is essential.
In January 2013, the Chief of Staff of the Army announced that the REF would become a formal Army organization (INSIDEDEFENSE.
Despite smaller budgets, one Army organization is always on the lookout for new technology and ideas.
Once the TWI student is integrated back into an Army organization, he or she can use learned skills to improve the Army's ability to interact and conduct business with various industries.
The abolition of the Janissary corps and the efforts to establish a regular and modern army organization formed the main drive behind the Ottoman modernization project.
The work includes several maps and army organization charts as well as black and white photographs.
Army in Transition (1973)--a post-Vietnam review of Army organization and culture.
Add the retirement of "baby boomers", personnel departures caused by Base Realignment and Closure, and normal Soldier rotations in any Army organization and the result is an organization that loses information and doesn't know what it knows.

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