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 (ăn′ə-tō′lē-ə, -tōl′yə)
The Asian part of Turkey. It is usually considered synonymous with Asia Minor.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Placename) the Asian part of Turkey, occupying the peninsula between the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, and the Aegean: consists of a plateau, largely mountainous, with salt lakes in the interior. Historical name: Asia Minor
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌæn əˈtoʊ li ə)

a vast plateau between the Black and the Mediterranean seas: in ancient usage, synonymous with Asia Minor; in modern usage, applied to Turkey in Asia. Compare Asia Minor.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Anatolia - a peninsula in southwestern Asia that forms the Asian part of TurkeyAnatolia - a peninsula in southwestern Asia that forms the Asian part of Turkey
Battle of Granicus River, Granicus - the battle in which Alexander won his first major victory against the Persians (334 BC)
battle of Ipsus, Ipsus - a battle between the successors of Alexander the Great (301 BC); Lysimachus and Seleucus defeated Antigonus and Demetrius
battle of Issus, Issus - a battle (333 BC) in which Alexander the Great defeated the Persians under Darius III
Bithynia - an ancient country in northwestern Asia Minor in what is now Turkey; was absorbed into the Roman Empire by the end of the 1st century BC
Cappadocia - an ancient country is eastern Asia Minor
Galatia - an ancient country in central Asia Minor
Phrygia - an ancient country in western and central Asia Minor
Pontus - an ancient region of northern Asia Minor on the Black Sea; it reached its height under Mithridates VI but was later incorporated into the Roman Empire
Aeolia, Aeolis - an ancient coastal region of northwestern Asia Minor (including Lesbos) where the Aeolians founded several cities around 1100 BC
Lycia - an ancient region on the coast of southwest Asia Minor
Lydia - an ancient region on the coast of western Asia Minor; a powerful kingdom until conquered by the Persians in 546 BC
Ephesus - an ancient Greek city on the western shore of Asia Minor in what is now Turkey; site of the Temple of Artemis; was a major trading center and played an important role in early Christianity
Ilion, Ilium, Troy - an ancient city in Asia Minor that was the site of the Trojan War
Republic of Turkey, Turkey - a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; on the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, the Young Turks, led by Kemal Ataturk, established a republic in 1923
Ionia - region of western Asia Minor colonized by ancient Greeks
Asia - the largest continent with 60% of the earth's population; it is joined to Europe on the west to form Eurasia; it is the site of some of the world's earliest civilizations
malik - the leader of a town or community in some parts of Asia Minor and the Indian subcontinent; "maliks rule the hinterland of Afghanistan under the protection of warlords"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The history of Armenians is stained with the blood of innocent people killed in Turkey's Anatolia and Azerbaijan, member of the ethics committee of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRFT) Askin Yildirim said, Trend reports with reference to the Turkish media.
It is seen that FI crash rates in Central Anatolia Region (Region 5), Mediterranean Region (Region 4) and Aegean Region (Region 2) seems relatively higher than the others.
However, very different prevalence rates have been reported by regions; a high prevalence was reported in Sivas from the Central Anatolia Region, and a study conducted in the Trakya region reported a prevalence of 1/17,835 (2, 3).
The Abraaj Group, a leading investor operating in growth markets, has acquired, through its Anatolia Growth Capital Fund, a minority stake in Biletal [euro]AaAaAeA~AaAaAeAaAaAaAeAo ve D[euro]AaAaAeA~AaAaAeAa[euro]AaAaAeAeAaAaAeA [bar] Ticaret, one online travel agents (OTAs) in Turkey.
The Abraaj Group ("Abraaj" or the "Group"), a leading investor operating in growth markets, today announced it has acquired, through its Anatolia Growth Capital Fund, a minority stake in Biletal AaAaAeA AaAaAeAo ve DAaAaAeA AaAaAeAe- A.AaAaAeAe[currency] ("Biletall" or the "Company"), one of the leading online trav agents (OTAs) in Turkey.
The highest rate was reported in the Marmara region (54.99%[+ or -]20.91) and the lowest was in the South-eastern Anatolia region (41.95[+ or -]24.15) (p<0.001).
Politics of Honor in Ottoman Anatolia: Sexual Violence and Socio-Legal Surveillance in the Eighteenth Century
The provisions of the Franco-British plan placed the Kurdish population of Anatolia and Mesopotamia across the French and Russian pieces of the Ottoman pie.
Abdullah bin Abdulmohsen Al-Turki received here today a delegation from the Turkish Anatolia agency headed by its manager of marketing and development, Nadim Jia; its manager of the Agency's World News, Yaboos Salim Cote and its manager of technology Younis Shalq, currently on a visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
M2 EQUITYBITES-November 9, 2015-Uranium Resources Closes Merger with Australia's Anatolia Energy
The results of his extensive travels across Anatolia in the early 20th century are now being documented in an archival exhibition at Koc University's Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (AnaMed) in ystanbul.